POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.advanced-users : how does the "one over f" fractal noise function work? : how does the "one over f" fractal noise function work? Server Time
2 Nov 2024 07:23:53 EDT (-0400)
  how does the "one over f" fractal noise function work?  
From: Jeff Daniels
Date: 7 Feb 2000 01:44:38
Message: <389E6A1E.FAFFD004@erols.com>
I want to put objects in 3-D space according to the same "1/f fractal
noise" pattern that's used in granite textures. But I don't know the
math behind 1/f fractal noise, and I can't find anywhere on the net that
discusses it without assuming that I already understand it completely.
Can someone explain to me how, given an x,y,z point, I would use a 1/f
fractal noise function to compute the [ size | color | orientation ] of
the object at that point?

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